“わたしたちは、最愛の人としばしば離れ隔たったり、隔たった者がしばしばもっとも近い者であるような世界に住んでいる。”(ベック&ベック=ゲルンスハイム, 2014)

“We inhabit a world in which our loved ones are often far away and those from whom we are distant may well be those dearest to us.” (Beck & Beck-Gernsheim 2014)




撮影・監督:大橋香奈 2018年/日本語・英語/カラー/32分

An ethnographic documentary on migration and family

The number of migrants has been increasing around the world. Cross-border migrators create and maintain their “family,” which can never be contained within one country. They live in a “transnational life-world,” wherein they continue cross-border interaction among their family members who live in their home country or in other countries. The purpose of this project is to understand the experiences and thoughts of those who live in the “transnational life-world” through visual ethnographic method. I made an ethnographic documentary by doing collaborative research for over a year with each of five research participants.
What does “family” mean?
What is needed to be/become “family”?
Let’s think about these questions through the five stories on migration and family.

This video is a result of the doctoral research project by Kana Ohashi. The video was made by doing collaborative research for over a year with each of five research participants during the period from 2015 to 2017.
Filmed and directed by Kana Ohashi 2018/Japanese and English/Color/32 mins
Supported by Japan Society of Lifology (Lifology project 2015, 2016 and 2017)